Here I am sitting and thinking that I need to write something again. While I sit and think of the last time I wrote I about had a heart attack. What the heck? Is November really over?! What did we do in November that really took the time away so quickly? I realize that time flies by as you get older. I remember being young and driving to Lagoon took FOREVER. Now we drive 3 hours to get home from moms and it seems to fly by. I keep waiting for my gray hair to come in thick enough that I can stop coloring my hair and just be happy with pretty gray hair. I just can't let these half curly wiry things take over my head for now.
Yet, through all of this I look at my kids and can't believe they are mine. I am not old enough to have a 11 year old for my oldest and a 4 year old for my youngest. I don't feel that old, I should be grateful for that right? I am grateful for that until I look in the mirror and remember again that I am getting older. Well, on with my happier November thoughts.
It has been over 2 years since Gabe was attacked by the rottweiler. He just went in for a 3 hour evaluation with a different therapist. This one is supposed to know more of the legal side of paperwork. I certainly hope so after paying about $1,000 just for the appointment. We still have no idea when it will be over. I honestly don't know why anyone would ever sue someone thinking that it will make their lives easier. This has been the most annoying, expensive, time consuming, putting life on hold thing we have ever done. If it wasn't for the well being of Gabe I would have never gone through with this. I still hope we made the right choice to this day.
Just today Cannon and Logan had to give talks in Primary. Logan did a great job. They both talked on Service. This was Logan's first time giving his entire talk from memory. Scripture, story and all. Without having it all written down though he got a little nervous and edited his story quit a bit. It just ended a little sooner than he had planned. But he is so darn cute! Cannon of course did a fantastic job. He has always been able to give a talk from memory, he hears something once and doesn't forget it. While giving his talk on service he started taking off articles of clothing. At the end he said "you probably won't remember a word I said, but you will remember what I did, because actions speak louder than words." Well, two great talks in this ward has him on the radar. He was just asked tonight to speak at the Priesthood Preview, and we were warned he may be asked to speak at the Nursing home this month. Good thing he prepares his own talks!
Logan is scheduled to get his tonsils out on Friday, we are just waiting to see if insurance will pay for it. If not we may wait 4 more months until they will for sure. I don't want any more medical bills!!!! Christian's preschool teachers informed me that he is on his own timeline. They try to get him to hurry and finish his pictures or projects so he can catch up to the rest of the class and he ends up going slower. They asked if I knew what would work. I had to laugh and tell them no, so if they figure it out before me they need to let me know. Gabe is also doing great. Teachers at his new school are figuring out his quirks. Like the fact that you may not think he is listening to a thing you are saying, but if you ask he can tell you everything. He has the best teacher in the school, I think. He is also doing great with his fear of every animal. I think he realizes animals are good, if you know that they are being raised in a loving home.
Well, hopefully time in December goes a little slower so I can soak it all in.
Halloween Fun
11 years ago
I can't believe how fast November flew by too! I took maybe three pictures the whole month. I'm glad you guys are doing so well! Still miss you though!